Orphan Black Season 5

DVD Wholesale Quick Overview:

ORPHAN BLACK took 4 episodes to lock me in. and 8 to humble everything I have ever seen on television. This creation and production, with Its relentless suspense, endless surprises, deft comedic moments, enthralling story, technical and performance perfections, smart concepts, and its intimate chemistry of people, is a unique masterpiece, a milestone in cinematic history. Its depth is so passionate — I laugh, curse, dread, worry, sigh, shout, clap, and even weep some, all in the same episode. Greatest credit for it goes to Tatiana Maslany, whose multiple interacting portrayals are uniquely flawless and unforgettable — she doesn’t act them, she metamorphoses herself into this throng of palpably distinct individuals, surpassing every plural-character performance I’ve seen This season-premiere episode, “The Few Who Dare”, perfectly resumes where these lives left off in season 4. I have only one objection — I cannot understand pre-announcing the termination of this series, casting such a terminal shadow over this final season. Unless Ms. Maslany herself is just tired of doing it, I cannot understand canceling this series at all, because I doubt anything like this will ever be achieved again. I cannot help but feel that those sponsoring and producing this show, along with all those viewers who have never seen it, have no real concept, yet, of all that’s being achieved here. Ending this is like killing a living being (or a stunning clone of one). Someday you’re going to wish this show, as it is now, had lived on a while longer.


I have enjoyed this series, from the first episode to the last.
That said, it’s not a big surprise that I found Season Five just as wonderful as the previous four. In this season series lead Tatiana Maslany and her supporting cast continued to give viewers examples of what great actors can do when they are given great scripts. The writers deserve enormous credit for this series, especially this final season. The complex characters and their relationships to one another, the continued evolution of the storyline, and the ability to avoid stereotypes – even when it comes to writing about villains – are all hallmarks of great writers and their work.
The final episode of this final season was bittersweet for me. I must confess that I will miss watching Maslany exhibit her tremendous range as an actor and that I will miss the subtle humor that lurks at the edges of some very powerful narratives.
To sum up: A five-star season that brings a great series to a very satisfying conclusion.

– Mike Billington

I watch those quick YouTube accounts of all the talent and work and general mountain-moving that goes into episodes of Game Of Thrones, emptying entire villages of its citizens, painting them all green and having them scurry around as Night Walkers. But no feat of wonder can match Tatiana Maslany’s command of Orphan Black, her peerless ability to embody each of the five Orphan clones with such flawless execution, causing us to fall in love with each for totally different reasons. Like many other viewers, I fell hardest for the Ukrainian girl, her transformation from crazed stalker to fearless warrior to Total Mom Overdrive. The middle seasons fell apart a bit. Too much frantic “This conspiracy goes STRAIGHT TO THE TOP!!!” and endless searching for The Thing That Can Fit On The Head Of A Pin But Can Destroy The Entire World. But I picked up again in season five, and loved it all through the thoroughly satisfying ending.

– Winston

DVD Wholesale Main Features :   

Actors: Tatiana Maslany
Directors: Various
Format: Color, NTSC
Subtitles: English
Region: Region 1
Number of discs: 3
Rated: NR Not Rated
Studio: BBC
DVD Release Date: September 12, 2017
Run Time: 450 minutes

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