Breaking Bad: The Complete Series [Blu-ray]

DVD Wholesale Quick Overview:

Rating is for the quality of the show, but you probably don’t need me to tell you whether to watch Breaking Bad. I just wanted to write about the packaging of the complete series Blu-ray set (the non-barrel version). It’s pockets style, which the discs slide into. Which I don’t like. I couldn’t really handle the individual season sleeves without the discs sliding around or falling out. Also, many of the Blu-ray discs are a scuffed up, I assume because of this packaging style. It doesn’t seem to affect the discs being read/played fortunately, but I’ve repackaged the discs into a couple 10 disc holders that I purchased a while back.

Just something to keep in mind if you’re deciding between the full series set and the individual season releases.

My copy did come with Ultraviolet codes for the complete series that are playable on Vudu along with some other sites I believe.- intangible fancy

A truly amazing series! Arguably the greatest drama series ever made.
Breaking Bad portrays the evolution of a character named Walter White. Walt begins the series as a mild mannered chemist teaching science, but becomes, over time, a ruthless criminal mastermind known to the DEA as “Heisenberg” (the name of one of Walt’s favorite physicists, and the name Walt chooses to go by for all of his nefarious activities).
At each crossroads he reaches in his life, we see Walt take one more step across one more moral line he’s previously drawn in the sand, one more moral barrier he’s never before crossed, until, one day, there are no more lines, no more barriers left for him to cross. He has become a man completely devoid of any remaining moral limitations.
With each new degree of power he achieves in the world of drug trafficking, we see Walt become more and more intoxicated by it, wanting ever more, never satisfied that it is finally enough.
From humble beginnings as a powerless nobody, pushed around by the forces of life, he comes to love finally being one of the ones who gets to do all the pushing.
At first, he enters onto the path of darkness (manufacturing what he, at first, believes will be only a one time run of highly profitable methamphetamine) with seemingly noble and sympathetic intentions (if such a thing is possible concerning the manufacture of drugs), doing it for the family he loves, so that they’ll not be left penniless under the weight of his crushing medical expenses. But, in time, Walt makes more than enough to pay for a dozen lifetime’s worth of medical bills, yet continues on in his endeavor (at first grudgingly, without being given any free choice in the matter, but later voluntarily and even enthusiastically) having by then completely lost sight of why he started and who he’s supposedly doing it all for.
This incredible series is populated with some of the most deeply drawn characters we’ve ever seen portrayed in film or on television, and with some of the most memorable and frightening villains to threaten and challenge them along the multi-season story arc of this series.
Breaking Bad is the best written, best acted dramatic TV series that I have ever seen, and Bryan Cranston and the rest of the cast, the writers and the crew unquestioningly deserve all of the Emmy awards they’ve received for their work in this unforgettable show.
Be warned, though, this series is not for the faint of heart! It pulls no punches and isn’t worried about leaving your nerves frazzled and worn down to the raw nubs. Once things get moving (and that takes awhile–as much as I love this show, it took some time to win me over), it will present viewers with some of the most pulse-pounding and intense moments ever shown on television. I often found myself literally out of breath from the tension at the end of many of the more riveting episodes. Think of the most intense moments of “The Sopranos”, put them on massive steroids, and you might have some idea of what I’m getting at. There are moments in this series that rival the shock value of the “Red Wedding” in “Game of Thrones”–a number of such moments, in fact.
And, unlike “The Sopranos”, “Breaking Bad” ends with a final episode that will not disappoint even the most hard to please viewers!
If you have the nerves for a series of such powerful intensity, Breaking Bad will be an unforgettable viewing experience, a television journey unlike any other that you’ve ever taken.
Like the television equivalent of a powerful drug, once you become addicted to this superlative, one of a kind television series, you won’t be satiated. You’ll have no choice but to watch it all the way through to it’s unforgettable conclusion. Then, believe it or not, you’ll actually want to watch it again!
To put it succinctly, Breaking Bad is as good as TV gets!-Robert Schaffer

DVD Wholesale Main Features:

Actors: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Bob Odenkirk
Directors: Bryan Cranston, Adam Bernstein, Bronwen Hughes, Charles Haid, Colin Bucksey
Format: Blu-ray, AC-3, Box set, Dolby, Subtitled, Widescreen
Subtitles: English, French
Region: All Regions
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Number of discs: 16
Rated: Unrated
Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
DVD Release Date: June 3, 2014
Digital Copy Expiration Date: December 31, 2017 (Click here for more information)
Run Time: 2703 minutes

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