Supergirl: Season 1 [Blu-ray]

DVD Wholesale Quick Overview:

I’ll admit to feeling a little buyer’s regret when I first bought the season pass for Supergirl: Season 1… but I certainly don’t feel that way now.

The show has gotten progressively better with each episode and I’ve been delighted to see that they’re FINALLY connecting a kryptonian to the wider DC Universe – even a version that’s different from the comics; neither Supergirl nor Superman should exist in a world where they’re the ONLY metahumans/super-powered people around (a flaw in some earlier television shows and film).

But not only that, the cast and their characters have gotten better too, becoming more and more three-dimensional as the season goes on; I particularly like how they’ve shown Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) to be an actual human being with both virtues and flaws; ambitious and driven, but ultimately a decent person – not just the ice queen/business-woman-tyrant stock character I was expecting.

Melissa Benoist was cast perfectly. I was a little unsure of her at first… but naw – she’s Supergirl; she’s a genuine superhero. She and the writers have given the character many of the same core qualities that make Superman great – and I don’t mean his powers. Superman remains one of the greatest characters in comics because of WHO he is, not what he can do. And Benoist’s Kara has it too: she’s a moral, ethical person who has genuine concern and empathy for others. And she has shown a real warmth toward those around her on the show. But at the same time, she’s not “perfect” either; she’s not one-dimensional. She feels unsure sometimes and gets frustrated and upset like the rest of us. What can I say – Benoist can act and I find myself looking forward to seeing her Supergirl each episode.

If you haven’t given this show a chance, you should.-TheBoogerMan

Supergirl gets her own television series in this entertaining reboot of the DC comic by CBS. Kara Zor-El, sent from Krypton by her parents to watch over her cousin (Superman), ends up getting to Earth after her cousin has discovered his powers and is doing just fine. Kara is adopted by an earth family and grows up to young womanhood. Living in National City, she works as a much put-upon executive assistant to Cat Grant, ambitious head of the local media empire. Kara is finally ready to test her own powers; using them will require a significant amount of trial and error.

Kara’s secret identity as Supergirl is known to her human step-sister Alex, who turns out to have a secret identity of her own. Also in on Kara’s secret are reporter James Olsen (friend of Superman) and office mate Winslow Schott. She is also known to a mysterious network of secret agents, who are dealing with the presence of (surprise) multiple aliens on Earth. Kara must learn to work with the network and function at her day job while learning the superhero ropes. Those duties get complicated; it turns out an unsuspecting Earth is already home to a number of nasty aliens who will be opponents for Supergirl.- HMS Warspite

DVD Wholesale Main Features:

Actors: Various
Directors: Various
Format: AC-3, Dolby, NTSC, Subtitled
Language: English
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
Region: Region A/1
Number of discs: 3
Studio: Warner Home Video
DVD Release Date: August 9, 2016
Run Time: 880 minutes

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